Knowledge Alliance – Information Session
By Aoileann Ní Bhroin
Posted: 22 November, 2017
The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) and the European Commission-Directorate General for Education and Culture has announced a web streaming information session on the new call for proposals for Erasmus+ Knowledge Alliances (call EAC/A05/2017). The objective of the session will be to explain this new funding opportunity and to guide potential applicants on how to prepare and submit a proposal.
No pre-registration is required. In order to take part, please activate the link available at the following page on Monday 04 December 2017 as from 14.30:
You will have the possibility to ask questions at: . They will either be responded during the session or later, depending on the number of questions received.
E+ Knowledge alliances are transnational and result-driven projects between higher education institutions and enterprises. These projects aim at strengthening Europe’s innovation capacity and at fostering innovation in higher education and business. Find more on the ‘E+ Knowledge Alliances’ action here and on the new call for proposals here . Read on the projects already EU co-financed here *.
* in the yellow advanced search facility, select the programme ‘Erasmus+’, the action ‘KA2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices’, and the action type ‘KA206: Knowledge Alliances for higher education’.