Ulysses Call 2020 – Results
Gerry O'Sullivan
The Embassy of France in Ireland and the Irish Research Council have announced the results of the 2020 Ulysses call for proposals. 19 projects have been funded and due to the travel restrictions imposed as a result of COVID-19, this year’s awardees will be given two years to use the funds, meaning they will hold the award for 2020 and 2021.
You can find this list here: https://ie.ambafrance.org/2020-Ulysses-awards
The Embassy and the IRC are jointly exploring opportunities for the programme in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, including consideration of enhanced research collaboration in particular on climate change and health.
For that reason, they would like to request the help of the research community in France and Ireland, with a 7 minutes survey:
This survey will be open until the 8th July and it will allow us to better understand your needs and exceptionally adapt Ulysses in a rapid response scheme accordingly.