“I made friends from all over the world” Bláithín’s Erasmus+ Experience in Spain & Italy
Bláithín Breathnach

Bláithín Breathnach undertook an Erasmus+ Study Abroad in Spain, as well as an Erasmus+ Traineeship in Italy, as part of her undergraduate course in Global Languages from University of Galway 2022-23
Tell us about your unique experience of the Erasmus+ Programme.
As I study three languages, I had the opportunity to complete two separate Erasmus+ semesters: one studying abroad in the faculty of Communication and Humanities at Universidad de Granada, Spain, and one traineeship working for a small company in Bergamo, Italy.
Arriving in Andalucía in August was a shock to the system, not just in terms of the heat (with street thermometers reading 38 degrees at midday) but also in terms of the Andalusian accent. I considered myself a fluent non-native Spanish speaker prior to arrival, but realised I had my work cut out for me in learning to understand a new, and very different, Spanish accent!
That’s what’s so special about Erasmus+ – you are put into situations that force you to develop!

Bird’s-eye view of Granada
I was fortunate to make lots of Spanish friends. I shared a flat with locals, attended classes with Spanish students, and took part in an entrepreneurship programme in the university’s “Breaker Space”. Thanks to ESN (Erasmus Student Network) Granada, I was also able to make friends from all over the world, and we spent many evenings having tapas and Tinto de Verano, meeting for picnics overlooking the Alhambra, dancing salsa, going to Moorish Tea shops (teterías), and planning our next big trip. We travelled all over Southern Spain together, and even hopped a ferry across to Morocco for an adventure.

Bláithín Breathnach in Morocco
Working in Italy was an incredibly different experience and came with its own challenges and joys. I helped a small company in Bergamo with their social media and flyer campaigns, joined in on calls with partners around the world, and taught English language classes to Italian teenagers. I truly feel that this experience helped shape me as a professional and gave me a strong desire to continue working in international workplaces.
Besides travelling to many cities, I also represented Bergamo at the National Erasmus Games in Volleyball (having only touched a volleyball twice before stepping into this Italian national arena), represented Ireland at the European Youth Debate in Milan, attended Fashion Week, and completed my C1 qualification in Italian. Not bad for a 5 month stay! The friends I made remain extremely important to me and we have plans for reunions soon! They come from all over the world: France, Germany, Mexico, and China.

Bláithín on the 40th floor of Palazzo Lombardia, Milan,
where the European Youth Debate was held
What were the key challenges?
Things don’t always work out the way you expected or hoped they would when on Erasmus+. During my traineeship, I experienced some contract issues with my host company, something which led to quite a lot of stress, especially when I was far from home. However, this turned out to be a key factor in my growth during my Erasmus+ year. I learned to assert myself, detach workplace issues from my personal life, and navigate difficulties in a workplace culture that wasn’t familiar to me. The fact that I saw the traineeship through to the end is a source of incredible pride for me. It’s a real-life example of a time when I grew in resilience, and I think back on it anytime I need reminding that I can do anything.
What feelings come to mind when you think about Erasmus+?
Pride! I’m so proud of all I achieved on Erasmus+: living alone in a foreign country, passing all my classes through Spanish, coping in an Italian speaking office, negotiating the accommodation market in a new city … and enjoying every minute of it!
What has been the main takeaway from your Erasmus+ experience?
My main takeaway was realising that I am capable of so much. From living at home (as a Covid cohort student doing University from my laptop), I finished my year on Erasmus+ with new skills, a much fuller and more interesting LinkedIn, and friends from so many corners of the globe meaning that I should never have to pay for a hostel again!

Bláithín at the Alhambra in Granada
How would you sum up your Erasmus+ in a few words?
A life-changing, horizon-broadening, and eye-opening experience. I learned so much about other cultures and ways of life, about my myself and about the world of work – but I certainly cannot leave out one very simple 3 letter word: fun!
Bláithín is currently undertaking an Erasmus Mundus Masters in Children’s Media and Cultural Entrepreneurship at the University of Glasgow. She is a recipient of the Erasmus Mundus Scholarship, was named a George Moore Scholar for 2024-26, and is Communications Manager at ESN Ireland.
All photos are owned by Bláithín Breathnach and reproduced here with her permission.
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