Details of International Scholarships available to students and staff to undertake study, teaching and research overseas or in Ireland.


The National Institute for International Education in Korea co-ordinates two programmes aimed at improving the quality of English language education in that country.  Ireland is one of 7 countries eligible to participate. The Korean Government is very keen to receive applications from suitably qualified Irish graduates.

1 Teach in Korea

Teach in Korea

Talk - Testimonials from Graduates who have undertaken the programme

2 Korean Government International Scholarship Programme

The Global Korea Scholarship (travel, monthly stipend, tuition fee coverage etc) aims to provide international students with an opportunity to conduct advanced studies at HEIs in Korea. Two scholarships are on offer to Irish undergraduate/graduate students.

Korean Scholarship Scheme

Abu Dhabi

The Masdar Institute is offering 10 scholarship opportunities for Irish graduates on masters/PhD programmes for 2015-16.  The programme covers 8 Master’s degrees in Science and Engineering as well as an interdisciplinary PhD Programme.  For the first time this year, the Institute has added a Master’s programme Sustainable Critical Infrastructure.

The Masdar Institute Scholarship benefits include the following:

  • 100% of all tuition fees
  • All required textbooks
  • A laptop
  • Reimbursement of GRE and TOEFL exam/test fees
  • Masdar Institute housing
  • Monthly stipend
  • Health insurance
  • Annual return ticket home if applicable

Masdar Institute of Science and Technology


Teach English in Switzerland

By becoming a Language Assistant in a Swiss school Irish students or graduates of universities and teacher training colleges can live and work in Switzerland, whilst also helping students improve their knowledge and understanding of your language and culture.

Edith Funicello
Projektkoordinatorin ch Austausch
Coordinatrice de projet ch Echange
ch Stiftung – Fondation ch
Dornacherstrasse 28A , Postfach 246
CH-4501 Solothurn



ch Stiftung