What we do
Erasmus+ is the European Union’s Programme supporting education, training, youth, and sport across Europe. It offers a wealth of opportunities for individuals and organisations to enhance skills, broaden cultural horizons, and foster academic collaboration.
The Programme has two action types:
- Decentralised actions, managed by National Agencies within each EU Programme
- Centralised actions, managed by the European Education and Culture Executive Agency in Brussels, Belgium
The Higher Education Authority (HEA) is the National Agency for Erasmus+ higher education in Ireland. We are a public body, created by the Higher Education Authority Act 1971, and are under the responsibility of the Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science. Following the HEA Act in 2022, the HEA has a statutory responsibility for the effective governance and regulation of the Irish higher education and research system.
The International Programmes team at the HEA provides:
- Funding and guidance to Irish universities, technological universities, institutes of technology and a number of other designated colleges for Erasmus+ mobilities.
- Information on projects funded by the HEA.
- Administrative documents for managing Erasmus+ Programmes.
- Stories and insights from students and staff who have participated in Erasmus+ projects.
Who can participate?
- Students and staff at higher education institutions: Erasmus+ helps students and staff enhance their employability, gain international experience, and develop language skills through opportunities to study, work, and train abroad (Key Action 131 & Key Action 171).
- Higher education institutions interested in creating or participating in projects: Erasmus+ fosters collaboration between institutions across the globe, supports innovation, and builds international partnerships (Key Action 220).
Our mission
Our mission is to contribute to the continued development of a more inclusive, dynamic, and connected European educational landscape by fostering strategic partnerships with higher education institutions internationally. We aim to support and empower students, staff, and institutions in accessing opportunities that promote intercultural collaboration, innovation, and mobility.
Further information
For more information, please see the Erasmus+ Programme Guide from the European Commission (the essential guide to understanding Erasmus+), or get in touch with us directly with any queries about Erasmus+ Higher Education at erasmus@hea.ie.
Adult Education, School Education, Vocational Education and Training, and Youth organisations should apply to our fellow National Agency in Ireland, Léargas.