Erasmus+ and Covid-19
If you are a student or staff member, please contact the International Office for the latest information in relation to Erasmus+ and your Higher Education Institution.
Please see below general advice in relation to Erasmus+ and Covid-19.
The Department of Foreign Affairs website has a Travel Advice section that contains the most up to date information in relation to travel to every country. This section oallows you to select a country and get the most pertinent and up to date information in relation to that country.
The same page allows you to download the DFA Travel App and also to register with their Citizen’s Registration service. The Travel App once downloaded, can provide alerts in relation to the selected country.
All Irish citizens’ abroad should register with the Citizens’ Registration service, in particular those travelling to high risk destinations.
For more information on Erasmus+ and Covid-19 please click here.
If you have any further questions, please get in touch with us at