Erasmus+ is the EU’s flagship education and training programme enabling 250,000 students to study and work abroad each year. In addition, it funds co-operation between higher education institutions across Europe.
The programme not only supports students, but also professors and business staff who want to teach abroad, as well as helping university staff to receive training. Ireland has participated in the programme from its establishment in 1987 and over 28,000 students from this country have undertaken mobility periods to date. The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) is currently responsible for the management of the programme on a European level.
In Ireland there are two Nation Agencies for the Erasmus+ Programme. The Higher Education Authority is the National Agency for the parts of Erasmus+ Programme related to higher education. When it comes to VET learners and staff, school education staff, adult education staff and young people and youth workers Léargas acts as Ireland’s National Agency.
Prior to 2014 Erasmus operated under the label of the Lifelong Learning Programme.
Information for Students
If you are a student and considering taking part in the Erasmus Student mobility programme please contact the International Office of your higher education institution for further details on the programme including how to apply.