Through the Staff Training Mobility scheme, Erasmus+ offers staff at higher education institutions the chance to improve their skills by participating in training in an another country in Europe.

Training can take a number of forms, not limited to but includinging:

  • A short secondment period
  • Job-shadowing
  • Attendance at workshops or courses
  • Attendance at a staff training week

As well as benefit the individual’s professional development and allowing for the learning of new skills, Erasmus+ Staff Mobility is intended to allow for the further development of links between European higher education institutions and to encourage further mobility of staff and students.


Are you eligible?

For training mobilities staff must be employed in a higher education institution, which is currently in receipt of an Erasmus Charter for Higher Education. The staff must be either a national of a country participating in Erasmus+ or a national of other countries employed or living in a participating country, under the conditions fixed by each of the participating countries, taking into account the nature of the programme (please refer to the relevant National agency website.The mobility can last anywhere from 2 days to 2 months (excluding travel time).

Staff which qualify and are wishing to take part in an Erasmus should contact the international/placement officer at their university to see what programs and institutions are available.