Brazil Ireland Partners in Excellence – BIPEX

The initiative builds on the academic and research alliances between Brazil and Ireland which were originated prior, during and after the Brazil Ireland Research Event, and was created with the objective to work as a virtual and physical network between Brazilian and Irish students, academics and researchers.

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Prêmio Professores do Brasil - Brazilian Teachers Award

Winners of the 10th Edition of the Brazilian Teachers Award welcomed by MIC and the HEA in Ireland, opening doors for Teacher Training collaborations

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Brazil Ireland Research Event - April 2018

12-13 April 2018 - Over 100 academics and researchers from Brazil and Ireland gathered in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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Science without Borders - 2013-2016

Overview of the programme that brought to Ireland over 3,500 Brazilian students between 2013 and 2016

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RBI Brazil - Ireland Science Week - February 2015