The event was an important opportunity to deepen existing relationships and identify new partnership possibilities that are relevant in a constantly evolving global landscape.


Research Brazil-Ireland

Brazilian delegates had a chance to meet with their Irish counterparts during the three-day conference which took place in Dublin Castle from 23 to 26 February 2015. Representatives from Irish research institutes, government bodies such as Science Foundation Ireland, Enterprise Ireland and the Irish Embassy in Brazil participated in group discussions, along with industry representatives and European Union personnel.

During Brazil-Ireland Science Week, SFI signed Memorandums of Understanding with FAPERJ, the Rio de Janeiro State funding agency for scientific research; with Confap, the national council for state funding agencies in Brazil. These agreements enabled future collaborations between Irish researchers and their Brazilian counterparts. This adds to existing understandings already in place between SFI and FAPESP, the Sao Paulo Science funding agency, and CAPES, and CNPq, two federal funding agencies from Brazil.

The 1st Brazil Ireland Science Week focussed on the following thematic areas:

  • Information and Communication Technologies
  • Environmental Science and Technologies
  • Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology
  • Biopharmaceuticals, Biotechnology and Health
  • Sustainable Energy and Agroproduction

text extracted from:

  • DCU’s website:
  • RBIs’ website: