International Officer’s Update September 2022

Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility
The new version of the ICM Handbook for Call 2022 is attached
A new version will be circulated towards the end of the year with additional elements, such as the missing section on project reporting, as well as screenshots from IT tools currently under preparation.
Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility- Handbook for Participating Organisations
Key Action 131 2022
Key Action 131 is the Erasmus+ Key Action which covers Higher Education Student and Staff Mobility between Programme Countries
The following mobility activities are funded under Key Action 131, Higher Education Student and Staff Mobility between Programme Countries:
Student Mobility for Studies
Student Mobility for Traineeships
Staff Mobility for Teaching
Staff Mobility for Training
We have published the results of the Key Action 131 2022 funding call
Key Action 171 2022
Key Action 171 is the Erasmus+ Key Action which covers mobility between Programme and Partner countries
We have published the results of the Key Action 171 2022 funding call
Applications for UNESCO-AI Fozan International Prize
A Call for applications is taking place for the first edition of the UNESCO-Al Fozan International Prize for the promotion of young scientists in science, technology, engineering and mathematics
The deadline for submission of nominations is the 15th of November 2022
International Erasmus+ Chess tournament
Our colleagues in the Polish National Agency are organising an international Erasmus+ Chess tournament to celebrate the 35th birthday of Erasmus+ and they invite you to take part!
The event will take place on the 14th-18th of November and is open to students, beneficiaries and anyone with a love of chess and fair play! The chess tournament is not only an opportunity to take part in sports competition, but also a platform for having fun and learning about the Erasmus+ Programme. Broadcasts of the tournament will be accompanied by lectures given by chess specialists
Student Testimonials
We love hearing from students who have been on Erasmus+!
For anyone who would like to take part and share their story, please email or send us a DM on Twitter
You can read about the amazing experience University of Galway graduate Janine O’Connor had on Erasmus+ in Gronigen, NL
"Pitch my Erasmus!" Competition – Oct. 13th @ Alliance Française, Dublin
On the 13th of October, a very exciting event took place at the Alliance Française, Dublin- “Pitch my Erasmus!” This event was part of Erasmus Days celebrations and was launched by the French Embassy in partnership with the Alliance Française Dublin, the Campus France Ireland office and the Higher Education Authority,
8 students presented presented their Erasmus+ stories and we were blown away by the quality and delivery of all the stories. Extremely inspiring! We’re looking forward to next year already